Friday, August 26, 2011

Will Anant-Navya survive separation?

Navya and Anant are going through the pangs of separation in STAR Plus’ Navya. Meeta has forced Navya to go to Kanpur for six weeks of her vacation in hopes that Navya will forget Anant.

The obedient Navya will ask Anant not to contact her, and even have a small tiff with him regarding the same. Will this fight drive a wedge between Navya and Anant?

A STAR source reveals, “After Anant’s attempt to call Navya in Kanpur, Navya will call him instead to ask him not to call her. Anant will be furious about the same and say her mother can’t dictate such terms. They should talk every day even though they are away from each other. But this will lead to an argument. Anant will be angry when Navya sticks to her decision. Later Anant will get into another argument with his friends when they too support Navya's decision not to talk. At Anant's house, Anant will be shocked to know that Nimisha isn’t at home and no one knows where she is.”

Talking with a heavy heart Navya says, “I know it is tough but I am going to do it. I was very sad to leave Anant but I didn’t want to lie to my mother or hurt her anymore. Ma made me promise I won’t talk to Anant during my stay in Kanpur and I intend to live up to the promise even if it hurts me. When I told Anant, he too took time to accept this decision. I am miserable and I know he must be too. I feel like crying all the time but I am trying to control myself as I don’t want to explain my predicament to my cousins. I told ma before leaving not to force me to leave and make me stay away from him as we had done nothing wrong, but she didn’t listen to me. If ma feels staying away from Anant and not talking to him for six weeks will make me forget him, she is wrong.”

Anant was quite agitated to hear from Navya about no communication. "Does her mom think that if we don’t meet, we will forget each other- I don’t think so. This will never happen. I can never forget Navya. I don’t understand how could Navya agree to such demands? It is very tough for me to be away from Navya. This punishment is for nothing as we have not done anything wrong. I hope I can survive the next six weeks.”

Will Anant keep his promise and not call Navya? Will the two survive the separation? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

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