Sunday, December 11, 2011

Navya-Anant caught in misunderstandings

Anant had thought that Navya staying in his house would bring them closer and he would get to spend loads of time with her. However, between work and family members the love birds hardly get quality time together. Moreover, Anant was upset when Navya gave credence to her boss over him. Now miscommunication will lead to misunderstandings between them… is this an indication of a bigger problem?

A source informs, “Anant was jealous when Navya disconnected his call when her Boss Amar called. Though he thought she was talking to Amar for too long instead Navya was fending calls of her friend Ritu and her sister. The next day, she had to leave for office a bit early but couldn’t get to an annoyed Anant. In tonight’s episode, both will not be able to communicate with each other and this will leave them distracted at work. Later they will ask their friends for advice regarding this matter. Anant will land up at Navya’s office with flowers but will be shocked to hear that Navya has gone for lunch with her boss.”

Anant aka Shaheer Sheikh is feeling jealous. “Of course I am. Since Navya began working, it seems like she has time for everyone but me. I am busy with work and so we hardly get time to spend together. At least in college we were together. And in the evenings we chat but even then she had work on her mind - is that fair? Before leaving early she didn’t even tell me. I am very angry.”

Navya aka Soumya Seth is feeling like she is caught in the middle. “I have to please my would-be mother-in-law and adhere to her wishes but also not anger Anant. I have to keep the wishes of Anant’s family too in mind when I do anything while living in their house. Work and managing these new relationships is tough for me. And Anant isn’t helping. I don’t understand what is bothering him currently.”

Will Anant & Navya be able to solve their misunderstanding or will this lead to a bigger issue? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Anant’s bluff is caught

In STAR Plus’ Navya, Anant and Navya's world will soon come crashing down. Navya had hardly begun enjoying her job and freedom but now reality will dawn on her that Anant’s family were unaware of her job. Stunned to know that Anant lied not only to her but both families, Navya will take the matter in her own hands.

A source divulges, “Anant’s family was stunned to hear that Navya was working and she would be staying with her friend while her family goes for a Badrinath trip. When everyone blames Navya, Anant finally steps up and accepts his mistake and reveals that he lied to her. His dad Om decides to discuss the matter with Deepak. In tonight’s episode, Navya’s family will be astounded to hear that Anant had lied to both families. Navya will be furious with Anant and end up in a heated argument.” Does this spell the end of Navya’s career?

Unable to believe this is happening to her, Navya says, “I was dumb founded to know Anant's family didn’t know about my job. I am hurt, sad and disappointed with Anant for lying to me about such a crucial thing. Why did he have to do so? I didn’t want to talk to Anant as I was really mad at him but when he persisted I couldn’t help fight with him. My family is worried and panicking about my future in that house and rightly so. If they think ill of me, it will be tough going ahead. I have decided to talk to them and apologize. I hope they realise the truth.”

Anant is sad and feeling very guilty. “I have goofed up big time. Not only with my family but with Navya as well. I am feeling so very awful. Navya isn’t talking to me as she is upset about the lies and rightly so. And at home everyone is appalled at my actions. I thought my plan to hide the fact that she was working would work till we got married but it didn’t. I hope to remedy the situation only I don’t know how.”

What will Anant’s family decide about Navya’s job? Will Anant and Navya patch up? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

New phase in Anant & Navya’s lives

Leaving their teenage college days behind, Navya and Anant are moving ahead in life with new dreams and desires. They are embarking on a new phase in their lives and are in a happy space for now.

In tonight’s episode, they both will head to office on their first day at work.

A source claims, “Post their exams results both Anant and Navya think about the future. Navya who wants to help her dad is thrilled to have got a job in a magazine firm, while Anant has been asked to join his father’s business. They are both happy with their respective jobs and will meet to exchange cute gifts and share a sweet moment before heading to work. Meanwhile, their friends Ranbir, Appy and Ritz will be angry that both Anant and Navya are too busy with their lives and not catching up with them as they used to earlier. Unaware that Anant lied to her about his family consenting to her working, Navya will thank his family while a shocked Anant will wait for the other shoe to drop.”

Anant is worried about his fib and tense that it would be out soon and create problems. “On Ranbir’s advice, I told Navya that my family had allowed her to work. I thought it would be a while till she got a job. I couldn’t see her sad face and lied to her, but now that she has got a job, I don’t know what to do. I just wanted to make her happy. And today she’s coming over to thank my family for giving their permission. I am scared and wondering what to do.”

A thrilled Navya says, “Dad wasn’t sure if I would be able to work so soon in life but I instilled confidence in him. His condition that Anant’s family had to agree to it was also fair. I felt so good when dad said I was trying to be a good bahu. When I got the job everyone was so happy. I am working to help my dad with the household expenses. It feels great to be out there in the real world.”

Will Anant’s family find out that Navya is working? Or will Anant lie further to hide his earlier lie? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Anant succeeds in his plan

A source elucidates, “Anant and Navya have kept up their antics and convinced their parents that they are still immature kids. Anant’s mother and family members are wondering about him being madly in love with Navya and not focusing on his studies while Navya’s parents have financial worries of their own. In tonight’s episode, Anant's father will go to meet Navya's dad Deepak and suggest that they postpone the wedding as the kids are too immature. Anant and Navya will overhear this and will be excited. But though Deepak wants the same, he will be unable to respond to the Bajpais.”

A giddy Anant claims, “I knew acting foolish, and kiddish was the way to go. I was right and my plan is a success. This way I solved Navya’s dad’s financial problems and postponed our wedding, so no one is under pressure. Everyone at home thought I was behaving like a kid which is what set them off thinking that they should postpone the wedding.”

Thrilled Navya says, “I can’t believe Anant pulled this off. I am glad to find a partner like him who thought about my parents and their condition. Anant and I love each other very much and now I respect him too as he helped my papa. But I am still worried about the huge expenses my dad will incur due to my wedding.”

Will postponing the wedding affect Navya and Anant’s relationship? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Will Anant postpone his wedding?

A source divulges, “Navya’s father is struggling to arrange for the grand wedding. Anant is aware of his tough situation. In tonight’s episode he will come up with a solution for the same. Anant will tell Navya that their families are spending too much for the wedding, so he thinks that they should postpone the wedding. Navya will be confused and not in favour of his idea. To convince her, he will eventually tell her about her dad losing his job. Navya will be shocked but Anant will ask her to trust him.”

Ask Anant about his idea and he replies, “I want to help her family as I care about her family and Navya of course. I only want Navya and not a lavish wedding. But I guess it would be futile to explain and reason about the same with our families who will quote society and status as reasons. I can see Navya under stress and I have a solution to this problem. Wait and watch.”

Navya, however, is feeling guilty about the proceedings. “I am aware that Anant doesn’t want the lavish expenses but his family expects a grand wedding. And I can see that arranging for the same is tough on my dad. I can’t see my father burdened just because he has to meet the expectations of Anant’s family. Like Anant, I too wish to have a simple marriage but I know that isn’t possible. I am very worried and though Anant has come up with a plan, I am sceptical about it. Let’s see.”

What is Anant’s idea behind postponing the wedding? Will Navya agree? Will it work? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Navya-Anant to be engaged

Its celebrations galore in Navya, as finally the two love birds, Navya and Anant are all set to get engaged. The day, they were awaiting has arrived.

In the Maha episode of the show, the families will come together and announce the engagement of the youngsters, much to their delight.

A source reveals, “Navya and Anant's dream has come true as both their families will decide to seal their relationship with their engagement. Though the roka (engagement) of Navya and Anant will be fixed, the elders will not confirm the ceremony date as they wil ask Navya and Anant to focus on their final exams. Navya’s family will be delighted.”

An ecstatic Navya exclaims, “I can’t believe that everything turned out so well. Life is a bed of roses again. I can’t thank God enough for giving me Anant. The consequent separation took a toll on me as every time we parted I left a piece of my heart behind. I was so nervous when Anant’s family came home. Thankfully, he was there to sooth my fears.”

Even Anant is on cloud nine. “Oh my God! Finally, things are moving towards the brighter side. I didn’t want to go against my family but their prior attitude towards Navya, hurt me a lot. I am glad that the elders in the family saw the goodness in Navya and have accepted her. The fact, that they went and spoke to her parents and fixed our roka, means a lot to me. I can’t wait to meet Navya and talk about our future.”

Will Navya and Anant’s happiness last forever? Catch the maha episode of Navya on Saturday at 8 pm only on Saturday at 8 pm only on STAR Plus.

Are Navya-Anant rushing into marriage?

In STAR Plus’ prime time show Navya, Anant’s decision to marry Navya, not only shocked his family but also earned him rejection. But Anant is determined to not give in to their pressure.

A source discloses, “After disclosing his feelings for Navya to his family, Anant thought they would understand his reason and logic. Instead, they thwarted his decision. Once again, in tonight’s episode, Anant will bring up the topic of marrying Navya and both sides will end up sticking to their stands. Ask Anant why he is rushing into marriage and he says, “I know my love for Navya is pure but my family doubts it and her character. I can’t lose her and after the fiasco in Kanpur, I think marrying her would be best. I explained to them, had the marriage proposal come through a relative they would have happily agreed as she is a cultured girl. Just because I am in love with her, they are rejecting it. That is so unfair.”

Doesn’t Navya aka Soumya Seth feel, that they are too young and are being impulsive about getting married? She answers, “We are young but we have a mind of our own. If our parents can rush and fix our marriages, the day we are eligible, we too can think of marriage to a person we love. We wouldn’t have come to this decision, had the two families not reacted the way they did in Kanpur. They were against our relationship so marriage seemed right.”

Will Navya confide in dadi about Anant’s decision? Will Anant’s family agree? What will Anant do next? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm.

Anant’s decision shocks Navya

In Navya, all hell broke loose when Anant and Navya’s families found out about their relationship. The family members began tarnishing each other's reputation and this in turn disturbed the two teenagers. Now, both of them will take a decision about their future.

A source divulges, “Once back at home, Navya promised her father that she will end her relationship with Anant, while Anant told his mother that he can never forget Navya. In tonight’s episode, the two families return to Mumbai from Kanpur".

Navya confesses her love for Anant to Dadi and requests her not to tell anyone. She calls Anant to the college and tells that she wants to breakup with him.

A distraught Anant refuses to listen and instead makes a big announcement before his friends which will stun everyone, including Navya.

A shattered Navya says, “My current state of mind is numb. I am stuck between two people I love the most – my dad and Anant. I never thought things would take such a turn or that this would happen. I don’t know what is right or wrong anymore. I have decided to do what my father wants.”

Talking about Anant’s big decision she adds, “It was a shock. I was happy and stunned at the same time. I had mixed emotions regarding his decision.”

Anant however is clear about what he wants. “What is my mistake? Falling in love is not a mistake. If my dad doesn’t listen and tells me to stop seeing Navya, I too won’t back off. I have a plan and will see to it that things work in our favour.”

What is Anant’s big decision? Will he get Navya’s support? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Navya Photo Gallery

Navya Cast: Characters


19 year old Navya lives in a middle-class family in Mumbai. She is born and brought up in a nuclear family with her banker father, housewife mother, a bratty younger brother and a quick-tongued grandmother. She has a married and pregnant elder sister.

Navya is quite traditional in her ways and lifestyle. Navya maintains a distance from boys and finds great comfort in her childhood friends Ritz and Appy. This allows her parents to trust her implicitly, unlike her Dadi who keeps questioning her morals and behaviors.

Innocent and sweet, she dreams wistfully of a fairytale romance, especially when Ritz falls in love. However, love comes to her in the most unexpected way as she meets Anant. From the moment she sees him, Navya feels a strange pull towards him. And every incident seems to draw them together, and finally they fall in love.


Anant is a 19-year old college going boy who, on the surface, looks like any other urban college boy of today with the latest clothes, car, and looks like the kind of guy any girl would want to date. But, deep down he is a traditionalist, a conformist who believes in the old-world values of joint families and arranged marriages. Unlike most of the teenagers of today's times, he reveres his grandfather and seems to have been brought up to respect his family’s traditions and to live by the rule book. His life before meeting Navya included following the path chalked out by his family and did not think even for a second that he could fall in love.

Ritika Joshi

Ritika aka Ritz, is one of Navya’s childhood buddies from the same colony quite unlike their fathers who were separated by their difference in opinion and ambitions. While Navya’s father maintained his lifestyle from the very beginning, Ritika’s father moved ahead for a better and the most extravagant living.

Almost a sibling to Navya, this 19-year-old Ritika acts as a mentor to her on most of the occasions. She does not make sly attempts to hide her lifestyle and choices from her family. However, she likes to experiment and has a creative side to her.

Deepak Mishra

Deepak is a typical Indian father who is quite loving and caring but with a distinct set of rules set to keep his daughter away from the big bad world. He does not seem to be too fond of her friends especially Ritz who seems to be too modern in her lifestyle. His only expectation from his daughter, Navya, is to get a degree followed by a happy married life. Though he manages to send his daughter to a co-ed college, he remains wary of the city he is in and society at large.

He earns a nominal income, and is living in a company flat in Malad. He has a regular 9-5 job, and is a upper middle-class father who is hard working. He works under great pressure constantly to save enough money to get his second daughter married and ensure his son gets a proper education. Meeta, his wife, is constantly worrying about his hours and the stress he takes, but he shrugs her off as he feels he can’t afford the luxury of a holiday or lighter working hours.

Neeta Mishra

The quintessential “Ditzy Housewife” who gets flustered easily and is extremely scared of Dadi despite her husband constantly assuring her not to take dadi’s words seriously. She has complete faith in her children to be good and believes that her husband can solve any problem with ease. Sometimes, she gets overwhelmed by the modern teenage world and turns to her elder daughter for comfort and reassurance. She is talkative and friendly and extremely lovable. Though not the best at household chores as she sometimes burns the rice and adds extra salt in the dal but the family loves her for who she is.

Been a full-time homemaker for years now, she shares an extreme comfort level with her husband. Unlike some of the women in the contemporary world, she firmly believes that women should make compromises if that is required for the larger happiness of the family. She has a very quiet countenance and does not get upset or angry easily.

Shankar Dayal Bajpai

Shankar Dayal Bajpai is the patriarch of the Bajpai family. He is someone who has seen the carnage of the partition, and firmly believes that families should stick together, because anything can happen anytime. That is just one of the reasons his family lives jointly even in today’s metropolitan Mumbai. He has managed to keep the family values intact and all the men are involved in his family business of printing press called Geeta Press. He is a noted religious and cultural speaker. In all senses, he is a self-made man, and it is for this reason that he is highly respected by everyone, including his near and dear ones.

Om Prakash Bajpai

Om Prakash is the one actively running the publishing house, Geeta Press. Shankar Dayal just overlooks the business and is mostly involved in his lectures. Om follows his father’s ideals. He is as stern as his father and can be harsh with his words. He respects and loves his father more than anyone in the world and wants to make him proud and happy in whatever he does.


Anant’s mother, Sugandha, is a conformist - the kind of bahu every traditional family would want and like. She has forever lived by the dictum that being a silent wife and daughter-in-law is the way of life for a woman. Being the eldest bahu of the house, she takes care of every section of household-running that is allotted to her. She knows the hierarchy and rules of the house, and makes sure that she will follow it to the T.

To Anant, she is a loving mother, someone who understands that his troubles are a result of the adolescent phase he is going through and that her son is merely growing up. However, she does not think even for a minute that he will not grow to conform to the family’s traditions and practices.


He is a very caring and supportive brother to Anant and an obedient son of the family. He respects his father and grandfather and doesn’t oppose their word, which irks his wife Rama. He is cognizant of Anant and Navya’s relationship and often helps Anant. He is also aware of Rama’s nature and always tries to protect his family, especially Anant, from her.


Hailing from Banaras, Rama is married to Mohan. Impressed by the Bajpai’s family, she tries to get Anant married with her sister, Shagun, and hatches a plan to achieve this end. But unfortunately her plans are foiled. By nature, Rama is very cunning and knows how to manipulate the family members to get her way. She is aware of Anant and Navya’s relationship and tries her best to get them in trouble. She is scheming, unapologetic and shrewd.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Will Anant-Navya survive separation?

Navya and Anant are going through the pangs of separation in STAR Plus’ Navya. Meeta has forced Navya to go to Kanpur for six weeks of her vacation in hopes that Navya will forget Anant.

The obedient Navya will ask Anant not to contact her, and even have a small tiff with him regarding the same. Will this fight drive a wedge between Navya and Anant?

A STAR source reveals, “After Anant’s attempt to call Navya in Kanpur, Navya will call him instead to ask him not to call her. Anant will be furious about the same and say her mother can’t dictate such terms. They should talk every day even though they are away from each other. But this will lead to an argument. Anant will be angry when Navya sticks to her decision. Later Anant will get into another argument with his friends when they too support Navya's decision not to talk. At Anant's house, Anant will be shocked to know that Nimisha isn’t at home and no one knows where she is.”

Talking with a heavy heart Navya says, “I know it is tough but I am going to do it. I was very sad to leave Anant but I didn’t want to lie to my mother or hurt her anymore. Ma made me promise I won’t talk to Anant during my stay in Kanpur and I intend to live up to the promise even if it hurts me. When I told Anant, he too took time to accept this decision. I am miserable and I know he must be too. I feel like crying all the time but I am trying to control myself as I don’t want to explain my predicament to my cousins. I told ma before leaving not to force me to leave and make me stay away from him as we had done nothing wrong, but she didn’t listen to me. If ma feels staying away from Anant and not talking to him for six weeks will make me forget him, she is wrong.”

Anant was quite agitated to hear from Navya about no communication. "Does her mom think that if we don’t meet, we will forget each other- I don’t think so. This will never happen. I can never forget Navya. I don’t understand how could Navya agree to such demands? It is very tough for me to be away from Navya. This punishment is for nothing as we have not done anything wrong. I hope I can survive the next six weeks.”

Will Anant keep his promise and not call Navya? Will the two survive the separation? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Meeta to separate Navya-Anant

Times are tough for Navya and Anant who have been forced to stay away from each other due to Navya’s mother Meeta’s objection to their relationship. A livid Meeta feels her trust was violated and now she has decided to send Navya away to Kanpur. Navya will be stunned to find out.

“Meeta has kept her hurt and anger aside and has been thinking rationally on how to deal with Navya and her relationship with Anant without letting anyone else know about it in the family. The mother in her wants to hold Navya back while protecting her from the ire of her father. Meeta has ensured that Navya does not talk to Anant and even sternly warned him. Anant too has tried to meet Navya with the help of Ritz and Appy but in tonight’s episode, Meeta will refuse to send Navya out even with the girls. Navya and Anant will suffer in silence and are unable to meet as they will be studying for their upcoming exams. Their separation will be hard for both of them. On the other hand, Rama’s pregnancy pretense will come to an end as Mohan will learn from the test results that she is not pregnant but he will wonder how to break the news to the women of the house who are happy about the supposed pregnancy.”

Meeta is still feeling bad for slapping Navya in the heat of the moment but is equally hurt and angry too. Meeta explains, “Yes I decided to do something to keep Navya and Anant away from each other and sending her away is the best way. If she stays away from him for over a month or two, she will forget him. She can come back and start afresh. I want her to overcome this madness and behave herself. Young minds are impressionable and without contact with him, Navya will forget him totally, I am sure. I don’t want her father to know about Anant or else the repercussions will be severe. I know she will be upset when she finds out that she is being sent away but I hope later she realises it is for her own good. This is the right decision for Navya.

Navya says, “I am grappling with the situation and it is very hard for me. On one hand I am worried about Anant and how he is taking this separation while on the other hand, I am scared of what Ma will do next. She is keeping tabs on me, my phone, my conversations – basically everything. I am overwhelmed, overloaded with all kinds of emotions - anger, hurt, guilt, sadness, emptiness. I don’t know what to do, how to convince Ma that I didn’t mean to do anything wrong and that Anant and I love each other. I don’t know what she has planned for me but I have an inkling that she is thinking of something. I hope she gives me a chance to explain and understands me. I want everything to work out.”

What will happen when Anant finds out that Navya will be sent away? Will Navya obey her mother quietly? Don’t forget to watch Navya every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on STAR Plus.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Navya Story and Synopsis

Navya is a story of a girl who is torn between traditional ideals and rules of the modern world

Navya symbolises the new young generation of India. A 19-year old college goer, Navya is an extremely identifiable and average girl-next-door, who is confused about her life like a lot of young India is. Navya naturally balances modernity & traditionalism in her day-to-day life without even consciously thinking about it. Like most youngsters today, Navya has middle class parents, who constantly struggle between being parents and friends to their children.

Her friends enjoy better freedom at home - one of them also has a boyfriend and Navya secretly wishes for one who would do mushy things for her, yet she is happy in her own world. As luck would have it, Navya falls in love with Anant, a boy hailing from a traditional and conservative family. Over time, the story beautifully captures Navya and Anant’s journey of love and their trials and tribulations in trying to stay uniquely Indian and yet moving ahead with the